Shop Talk File Archives

This is a place for the file archives of the Shop-Talk list. I am in no way responsible for the content of the Shop talk list, nor the accuracy of any of these file. If a file here is violating a copyright law, please let me know and I will remove it. This site is based on a "trust fellow shop keepers" basis. Please don't abuse it.

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File description: What companies make what tractors Your name: (optional) Inchman

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I was a Kubota dealer during the 70s and 80s and I enjoyed overcoming resistance
from the "buy America" customer by showing him that pretty much all the under 40
hp tractors were Japanese.

Fords were Ishikamajima-Shiburi
Internationals were Mitsubishi
John Deeres were Yanmars
Whites were Iseke
Massey-Ferguson even had some 20 hp Japanese units and I bet these swapped
around now and then.