Shop Talk File Archives

This is a place for the file archives of the Shop-Talk list. I am in no way responsible for the content of the Shop talk list, nor the accuracy of any of these file. If a file here is violating a copyright law, please let me know and I will remove it. This site is based on a "trust fellow shop keepers" basis. Please don't abuse it.

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Power = Voltage * Current
Watts = volts * amps

So for your 100W light bulb assuming it's on a 110 circuit

P = E * I --> using some algebra I = P / E or I = 100W / 110V
or approximately 1amp per 100 W bulb.

For HorsePower 1hp = 750W approximately
so 3/4 hp = 3/4 * 750 = 562.5 watts ignoring start up surge current
now converting 562 watts assuming it on a 110V circuit
I = P / E or 562 / 110 or roughly 5 amps