Shop Talk File Archives

This is a place for the file archives of the Shop-Talk list. I am in no way responsible for the content of the Shop talk list, nor the accuracy of any of these file. If a file here is violating a copyright law, please let me know and I will remove it. This site is based on a "trust fellow shop keepers" basis. Please don't abuse it.

File type:

File description: pulse charger schematic Your name: (optional) Peter M

File: Click here to d/l...
The unit that my dad acquired included a solar cell as well as a AC/DC
supply - of course, the system in his Cessna is 24V, so his was the
PulseTech Solargizer 735X220.

There are numerous kits out there for those of you who can't stand to buy
a 'black box' solution. Searching Google for "pulse charger schematic"
yielded some interesting links.