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File description: Natural Cleaners Your name: (optional) Inchman

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Ammonia: cuts grease and strips wax; also a great window cleaner. DO NOT MIX WITH BLEACH.

Bleach: great for whitening, removing mold and mildew, and most general cleaning. Best used diluted with water. DO NOT MIX BLEACH WITH AMMONIA, VINEGAR, OR TOILET BOWL CLEANER.

Baking Soda:
a great all-purpose, non-toxic cleaner. It cleans, deodorizes, scours, polishes and removes stains.

Borax: deodorizes, removes stains and boosts the cleaning power of soap. It also prevents mold and odors. Great alternative for those who do not want to use bleach.

Cornstarch: cleans and deodorizes carpets and rugs, and can be used in place of baby powder.

cleans copper.

Lemon juice:
great for whitening items and removing grease and stains on aluminum and porcelain.

Pure soap: cleans almost anything and is mild.

Salt: regular table salt makes an abrasive, but gentle, scouring powder.

Washing soda:
cuts grease and disinfects.

White vinegar: great for whitening, cleaning hard surfaces and windows, and shining metal surfaces. Also removes mildew, stains, grease and wax buildup.

Air Freshener
- Leave opened box of baking soda in room.
- Add cloves & cinnamon to boiling water and let simmer.
- Use fresh flowers and herbs.

Carpet Cleaners
- For deodorizing: sprinkle baking soda or cornstarch on carpet, using about 1 cup per medium sized room. Vacuum after 30 minutes.
- For deodorizing: mix two parts cornmeal with one part borax; sprinkle liberally, leave for one hour, then vacuum.

- To soak up big spills: dump cornmeal on the spill; after 5-15 minutes, sweep into a dustpan, then vacuum.
- Put 1/4 cup liquid soap or detergent in the blender with 1/3 cup water. Blend until foamy. Use this to clean spots on the carpet, then rinse with vinegar.

Copper Cleaner
- Pour vinegar and salt over copper and rub.

- 2 cups water, 3 tablespoons liquid soap, 20-30 drops Tea Tree Oil. Mix well. Store in a spray bottle for easy use.

Drain Opener
- Prevent clogging by using drain strainer.
- Pour 1/2 cup washing soda into drain followed by 2 cups boiling water.
- Flush drain weekly with boiling water for prevention.
- Pour 1/4 cup baking soda down the drain. Follow with 1/2 cup vinegar and cover drain tightly until finished fizzing. Flush with one gallon boiling water.

Furniture Polish
- Mix 3 parts olive oil with 1 part vinegar. Use a soft cloth.
- Mix 2 parts olive oil to 1 part lemon juice. Use a soft cloth.

General Cleaners (Porcelain, counter tops, etc.)
- Mix baking soda with a small amount of water.
- For stained areas, use paste of baking soda and water, let set a while, then scrub off.
- Mix 3 tbsp washing soda into one quart warm water.

Glass and Window Cleaner
- 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 1/2 cup household ammonia, 1/2 cup white vinegar, 1 gallon warm water. Mix the ingredients in a bucket and use to scrub windows.

Laundry Detergent
- Use washing soda or soap in place of some of your detergent.
- Mix detergent half and half with baking soda (use 1/2 the recommended amount of detergent).
- Make a paste of washing soda and water for dirty spots.
- POWDER DETERGENT -- Basic recipe: 5 cups soap flakes, 7 cups of Borax. Store in an old laundry detergent
box or a plastic container. To wash, use only 1/2 cup at a time. Be sure to shake it to mix up the soda and borax
with the flakes. (For hard water, add 3.5 cups of washing soda to mixture.)
- GEL LAUNDRY DETERGENT-- 1/2 bar grated soap (Fels Naptha, Ivory or Castile bar soap), 2 cups borax. Store in 1
gallon rubbermaid or other plastic container (one with a spout to pour it out works best). Fill the gallon container 1/4 full of
water. Add grated soap and soak over night. In the morning, add washing soda, borax, and enough water to fill container.
Shake well before using and use 3/4 cup per load. (For hard water, add 1/2 cup of washing soda to borax mixture.)

Linoleum Floor Cleaner / Wax
- Mop with 1 cup white vinegar in 2 gallons water to remove dull greasy film.
- Polish with club soda.
- Adding sour milk or skim milk to rinse water will shine the floor without polishing.

Metal polish
- 1 tablespoon flour, 1 tablespoon salt, I tablespoon white vinegar; combine salt and flour in small bowl and stir until
blended. Add the vinegar and mix into paste. Smear on the paste with a damp sponge or cloth and rub gently. Let the
polish dry for about an hour. Rinse well with warm water, buff dry with a soft cloth. (for brass, bronze, copper and
pewter; DO NOT use on silver, silver plate or jewelry)

Microwave Cleaner
- Heat 1 c. vinegar in a microwave safe bowl for 1-2 minutes (it will steam and loosen those stuck-on food particles inside
of the microwave). Wipe out with a washcloth and warm soapy water.

Mosquito Repellant
- Oil of citronella can be burned in candles outdoors. It has a scent pleasing to people but not to mosquitos!
- Plant sweet basil around the patio and house to repel mosquitoes.

Multipurpose Cleaner (for tile and linoleum floors, Formica counter-tops, appliances, etc.)
- 1/4 cup baking soda, 1 cup household ammonia, 1/2 cup white vinegar, 1 gallon warm water; mix ingredients and
store in tightly-capped container.

Oven Cleaner
- Sprinkle salt on spills when they are warm and scrub.
- Mix 3 tbsp washing soda with one quart warm water.
- Use oven liners (trays) to catch spills and prevent a messy oven.
- Rub gently with steel wool.
- 1/4 cup ammonia, 2 cups of warm water; pour ammonia and warm water in a glass baking dish and leave in a warm
oven overnight. This will loosen the grime. Scrub with baking soda in the morning.