Section:Junk Mail
Brief Description of Tip:How to get even with teh DMV and junk mail at the same time

Tip on fighting back:
While waiting in line at the DMV
 ...I thought of how the DMV provides me with a variety of services.  
I thought  of how they incorporate my name and address on to mailing
I thought of how the DMV is so short of funds, they sell this list to
various mail order and telemarketing firms.  
I thought of how they do this without my permission.  
I thought of how annoyed I was and,
I thought of how I could relieve my annoyance.

I thought of the pain of boredom the other people waiting there felt.  
I thought about how, to paraphrase our president, "I felt their pain."
I thought of how, perhaps I could help perform a public service to
alleviate their boredom.
I thought of how I could return the favor to the DMV for including my name
on mailing lists by, well, in like kind.

I thought of how I have to pick up those pesky postcard sized subscription
forms that fall out of magazines when they are first opened.
I thought of how annoyed I was and,
I thought of how I could relieve my annoyance.

I thought about how to put the subscription forms to some good use instead
of throwing them in the trash.
I thought that if I filled them out with the address of a DMV office,
I thought of how happy they would be to receive a free introductory issue
of a magazine.
I thought that if I didn't know the address of any DMV offices,
I thought of how I could find them in the back of my Driver's Manual.
I thought that if I didn't know the name of anyone at the DMV
I thought of how I could call and request the name of the manager,
or supervisor to whom I could directly address personal correspondence or
faxes to.
I thought of how the DMV could make those waiting folks happy by leaving
the magazines in the waiting area.

I thought of the annoyance the magazine publisher would feel because they
would be required to take the time to key in the new name and address,
and then have to take the time and effort to cancel the new subscription.
I thought of how annoyed I was and,
I thought of how I could relieve my annoyance.

I thought of the postage the publisher would have to pay.
I thought of how my annoyance was beginning to be relieved.